AD/CW: RENATA GARCIA & Kayla Thompson

Dutch Bros Coffee is known for its broistas, what they call their employees. They pride themselves on hiring energetic and optimistic baristas. 
Whenever you visit a Dutch Bros, you’re bound to get into a meaningful conversation with the broista taking your order. We wanted to take this well known relationship into the real world. 
Broistas will submit words of encouragement, reminders, or just simple thoughts about customers they meet.
Those notes will then be printed on billboards and posters so that customers know that Dutch Bros is always thinking of them.
People are also encouraged to share their favorite conversations they’ve had with our broistas through #ADoseOfDutch.
We’ll also start a hotline called “1-800-BRO” where people can call and talk to a broista to have that feel-good conversation they would normally have at Dutch Bros.
In-store Packaging​​​​​​​
Lastly, we will create new cups available in-store that have short messages with blanks for Broistas to fill out with their own words.
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